Student Resources

The Office of Academic and Advising Services offers many services, programs, and leadership opportunities to help prepare current undergraduate students for their academic future at Mercer and beyond. The Office of Academic and Advising Services’ advisors provide supplemental advising support to your primary advisor to assist with your academic experience at Mercer.

Appointments with Academic and Advising Services

You can schedule an appointment with an Academic and Advising Services advisor using the contact information below.

Office Hours: M-F, 8:30-5:00 | Contact: 478.301.2078
Langdale Hall, First Floor

Your Primary Academic Advisor

Locate your primary academic advisor’s name, e-mail, and office phone number via your MyMercer homepage in the “advisor” tile or search your advisor’s name on the Mercer Directory. If you are a first-year student, your academic advisor is your UNV instructor. If you are a transfer student or sophomore, junior, or senior student who has fully declared your major, your academic advisor is an assigned advisor within your major department to help support your major course progression toward graduation.

Appointments with your Academic Advisor

Meet with your academic advisor to review your academic goals, discuss your desired courses for the upcoming semester, and remove your advising hold. To schedule an advising appointment, e-mail your advisor or use his/ her preferred scheduling platform.

Advising Process: Student Responsibilities

Academic advisors provide you with the most accurate information available to them, and they work with you to create a realistic plan to accomplish your educational goals. However, the educational choices you make and the responsibility for knowing your degree requirements and fulfilling them in a timely and successful manner rests with you. View the Advising Syllabus to review your student responsibilities before, during, and after your advising appointment.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of an advising and registration cycle, you should be able to:

  • Identify personal responsibilities in preparing for and following up on advising appointments;
  • View and interpret evaluated transfer credit and earned credit via your unofficial transcript;
  • Navigate the University Catalog to identify your degree requirements;
  • Create and maintain a personal academic plan;
  • Develop an academic success plan based on four-week and midterm instructor feedback;
  • Utilize the Class Schedule to determine course offerings in both current and future semester(s);
  • Discuss personal challenges and strengths in the classroom, assess what caused them and how to resolve them, and implement action plans to avoid pitfalls in the future;
  • Arrange hands-on learning experiences outside the classroom through internships, study abroad, and experiential learning opportunities;
  • Seek assistance from advising and registration resources to support your success at Mercer.