Transfer Students

The Office of Academic and Advising Services strives to help transfer students feel connected, informed, and educated throughout their new student transition to Mercer University.
The First Steps
Transfer students fill out the Mercer Academic Profile (MAP) after acceptance with the Office of Admissions. The MAP helps the Office of Academic and Advising Services prepare for students’ arrival on campus by learning more about their academic background, intended major, and anticipated transfer credits. An academic advisor reviews the MAP and works with the student to select courses for the upcoming semester.
Transfer Orientation
Depending upon when transfer students join the Mercer community, they’ll attend a new student orientation experience:
- Students beginning in the Spring semester will attend Spring Orientation.
- Students beginning in a summer term will attend May Orientation and are also invited to attend Transfer Orientation and Transfer Check-In in preparation for their fall semester.
- Students beginning in the Fall semester will attend Transfer Orientation and Transfer Check-In in August.
During orientation, transfer students meet with an academic advisor and review their course schedules. Students also interact with current Mercer students, tour the campus, and meet with representatives from various campus departments to learn more about their programs and services.
Transfer Check-In
In final preparation for the beginning of the fall semester, transfer students participate in Transfer Check-In with the Office of Academic and Advising Services the day before fall classes begin between 9-10 a.m. to receive their course catalog and FREE meal ticket for lunch in the dining center. Beginning at 10:00 a.m., students are invited to participate in morning workshops, take a placement exam (if necessary), attend the New Student Convocation, and visit the student organization Bear Fair. The full schedule can be seen here!
Academic Programs Throughout the Year
The Office of Academic and Advising Services coordinates programs to enhance the transfer student academic transition. Programs include bi-monthly Transfer Meetups, a fall semester “Majors in Minutes” majors fair, and other spring semester events to continue academic progress through the successful completion of their academic year at Mercer.
Ongoing Academic Support
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides a variety of student support services, such as tutoring and study skills assistance. Supplemental instruction, another ARC resource, utilizes upperclass students who have already taken specific courses to assist current students in outside-of-class instruction. Students should also seek assistance from faculty members who are instructing their classes.
Academic Progress
Faculty members have the opportunity to offer insight into transfer students’ academic progress throughout the first four weeks of each semester by providing Four-Week Progress Reports. Midway through each semester, faculty members can also submit midterm progress reports for transfer students who are experiencing academic difficulty in a course. Both progress reports are sent electronically to students and their academic advisors for further discussion and feedback.
The Advising Process
Before registration for the upcoming semester, transfer students make appointments to meet with their academic advisors. Students also utilize the Office of Academic and Advising Services for additional advising and registration assistance. After advising, students use their online MyMercer portal to register for courses.
Campus Life and Community
Student life is a vital part of the college experience. When co-curricular activities, programs, and organizations are tied closely to a student’s academic experience, the impact on the student’s learning can be profound. The Division of Student Affairs provides a majority of these co-curricular programs and includes the following departments: Housing and Residence Life, Counseling and Psychological Services, Recreational Sports and Wellness, TRIO programs, Access and Accommodations, Judicial Services, Campus Life, the Center for Career and Professional Development, and Greek Life.