Academic Advisor Resources

Academic advising is integral to our students’ overall educational experience at Mercer University. Academic advisors assist their students in numerous academic areas and help acquaint students with a wide array of campus resources. Academic and Advising Services seeks to provide advisors with tools needed to help Mercer students achieve academic success.
As you advise your advisees, reference the information below to help your students. Please document all notes in the ‘Activities’ section of Anthology.
Meeting Guide
Information about holding advising meetings, including a list of reminders and specific information needed during the school year.
Advising Syllabus
Outline the advising relationship and registration experience for your advisees, covering:
- How and when to make advising appointments;
- Learning outcomes of a successful advising and registration cycle;
- Advising and registration materials and resources;
- Student responsibilities in the advising process; and the
- Advising and registration timeline.
Building First-Year Student Schedules
Each summer, faculty and staff build schedules for incoming first-year students. If you would like to assist with this process, contact our office and review the information on this page.
UNV 101 Guide
Resources and information for teaching UNV 101.
Creating a 4 Year Academic Plan
The 4 Year Academic Plan is used to help students plan for their academic progression throughout their coursework at Mercer. The plan allows students to outline their transfer credit, general education requirements, major and minor coursework, and pre-professional goals while recognizing what should be achieved each semester as they work toward graduation requirements. Review the step-by-step Academic Planning Guide and Resources.
Exploring Academic Options
Ask your advisees about their academic interests:
- What majors are within their areas of academic interest?
- Would they benefit from talking more with the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) to explore their academic options (especially if they are still deciding upon their major)?
- Have they completed a CCPD self-assessment to assess interests, skills, talents, and abilities and further explore and analyze occupational paths?
- Are they available to attend Majors in Minutes to learn about Mercer’s major options from peers currently completing coursework in those areas.
Utilize the University Catalog on the Registrar’s website that matches the student’s first year of enrollment (unless they have submitted the appeal form and been approved to study under another catalog).
Declaring a Major, Minor, or Specialization
Read more about the major, minor, or specialization declaration process when your advisees are ready to fully declare their area of academic study.
Completing the Declaration Form
Students will complete and submit the Major/Minor Declaration form, which is located within their MyMercer portal.
Creating an Individualized Major
Students may propose a major or minor curriculum tailored to their individualized needs. In order to be eligible for an individualized major or minor, a student must have completed at least 30 semester hours and no more than 80 semester hours of college level work with a GPA of a 2.0, with at least 15 semester hours completed at Mercer University. Read more about the individualized major and minor curriculum committee requirements in the University Catalog.
Changing Majors
Talk with your advisees about their change of academic interest and:
- Work together to outline a new 4 Year Academic Plan with their new area of study.
- Talk about the credit hour and curriculum implications, especially if this change requires a change in college/school or dictates a need for summer school or additional time at Mercer to fulfill degree requirements.
- Assist any students in completing the Major/Minor Declaration form (Located in MyMercer). Note: This form encompasses changes in minors, concentrations, and pre-professional tracks as well.
Taking Classes as a Transient Student
An undergraduate student who wishes to take academic course(s) elsewhere and apply those credits toward a Mercer degree is considered a transient student. The student must have been enrolled and attended classes at Mercer for at least one semester prior to requesting permission to study elsewhere. Transient Request Forms are located within the MyMercer portal.
To complete a Transient Request Form, students must:
- Indicate the course number, title, and credit hours of the transient course.
- Anticipate the equivalent Mercer course.
- Hand in the completed form to the Registrar’s Office to 1) verify the Mercer equivalent of the transient course, 2) verify good academic standing at Mercer, and 3) send the form to the transient institution.
It is the students’ responsibility to apply and be accepted to the transient institution, enroll in the course, and send final transcripts back to Mercer’s Registrar’s Office for transient credit to be earned.
Transient Student Reminders:
- If pursuing a Special Consideration Program, students needs to check their program’s track-specific student handbook for any program restrictions before making plans to take transient coursework. Most SCP do not allow transient coursework.
- Only grades of “C” or better in courses equivalent to Mercer credit can be accepted.
- Transient grades/quality points have no effect on the cumulative Mercer GPA; however, all grades are calculated for possible graduation honors.
- Transient courses cannot be used to replace grades earned in Mercer courses.
- Students can take no more than two consecutive terms as transient.
Additional Advising and Registration Resources
The following campus offices and resources can provide additional assistance in the advising and registration process:
ACCESS and Accommodation
ADA/504 Coordinator
Documents and advocates for students’ academic accommodations due to a disability
CSC, 209
Bursar’s Office
Oversees online payment plans, tuition bills, and any holds due to outstanding balance
Stembridge Center for Student Success
Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD)
Assists with exploring majors and pursuing internship and future employment
Wiggs Hall
Financial Planning
Students can locate their Financial Aid Advisor’s name and contact info via MyMercer homepage in the ‘advisor’ tile.
Serves as students’ point of contact as it relates to financial aid in attending Mercer
Stembridge Center for Student Success
Information Technology (IT) Helpdesk
Provides tech support (with the MyMercer system itself or student login) during registration
Tarver Library, Second Floor
Registrar’s Office
Enrolls students in classes and keeps academic records
Stembridge Center for Student Success
Student-Athlete Support Services
Provides academic support to all new student-athletes and returning students, if needed
Ryals Hall, within the Academic Resource Center (ARC)
Office of Student Success (OSS)
Assists with registration hold removal process and follow-up support post-registration
Stembridge Center for Student Success
Study Abroad
Helps in exploring study abroad options
Ryals Hall, Third Floor, within the Office of International Programs